Birthday Magic


This Again Is An Old Party Trick; To Surprise You Friends By Predicting Their Birthdays. But It Is Not That Easy As It Seems, For It Involves Some Calculations Thanks God, You Don't Have To Do Them, Your Friends Will Do Them For You.

Ask Your Friend To Add 18 To His/her Birthday. Then He /She Is Asked To Multiply That Sum With 25. ( Mind You Multiplication Of A Number With 25 Is Easy; All You Will Have To Do Is To Divide The Number By 2 And Again By 2 And Then Multiply It With 100. These Easy Multiplications Shall Be Taught In Another Section.

Now Subtract 333 From The Above Product.(Let Your Friend Do These Calculations On A Sheet Of Paper Or Using A Calculator.)

Multiply The Remainder By 8 And Subtract 554; Ask His/her To Find Its Half.

Ask His/her To Add His Birth Date To This. The Answer Thus Obtained Is Multiplied By 5. ( As In The Case Of Multiplication With 25, The Multiplication With 5 Also Is Easy. All You Will Have To Do Is Find Half Of The Number To Be Multiplied And Multiply It With 10.)

Sorry The Steps Has Not Finished Yet. Ask Him. Her To Add 692 To The Above Answer And Multiply It With 20.

Now Let His/her Add The Last Two Digits Of His Birth Year. Finally Its Over; Ask His/her To Subtract 32940.

Now Its Your Turn, Ask His/her For The Final Answer. If Its 50293 He /She Is Born In May On 2nd 1993.


Let Your Friends Birthday Be 2nd May 1993.
Step 1: Add 18 To The Birth Month.
Eg: 5 + 18 = 23
Step 2: Multiply By 25.
Eg: 23 X 25 = 575
Step 3: Subtract 333.
Eg: 575 - 333 = 242
Step 4: Multiply By 8.
Eg: 242 X 8 = 1936
Step 5: Subtract 554.
Eg: 1936 - 554 = 1382
Step 6: Divide By 2.
Eg: 1382 / 2 = 691
Step 7: Add The Birth Date.
Eg: 691 + 2 = 693
Step 8: Multiply By 5.
Eg: 693 X 5 = 3465
Step 9: Add 692.
Eg: 3465 + 692 = 4157
Step 10: Multiply By 20.
Eg: 4157 X 20 = 83140
Step 11: Add Only The Last Two Digits Of The Birth Year.
Eg: 83140 + 93 = 83233
Step 12: Subtract 32940 To Get The Birthday!.
Eg: 83233 -32940 = 50293
Thus The Answer 5 02 93 Means That He/ She Is Born In May On 2nd 1993.

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